Great News For all Booklovers in Ghana!

Just after work yesterday, I passed by Akuafo Hall of residence only to see one of the biggest good news for any person who loves books. Right at the porters lodge of the hall, I picked up a small leaflet from the front desk.

The leaflets saids:

‘Hurray!!! Students. Get unlimited access to over 500,000 books on

Download on your laptop, pen drive, copy or print over 500,000 books spread across all subject disciplines; medicine, humanities, computers and IT, law Business, Agriculture, Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, journals and articles, education, etc, used by other university students all over the world.’

In fact, I should say I could not hide my excitement about this news as I was much particular and keen about the books on literature. Surely, there lies my sole interest – Literature.

Below the leaflet were the steps to follow:

1. Buy your e-library scratch card for GH15 at your Ghanalibrary vendors at Porters Lodge(Hall Residence), On-the-Run, SRC Offices.

2. Visit

3. Register with your ID number and your e-library scratch card pin number, and enjoy the very best of 500,000 academic textbooks and literature spread across all subject disciplines.

After going through the steps, I was eager to purchase the e-library scratch card there and then. I consulted one of the men at the porter’s lodge and I was told that the cards would be in by Friday. I am hoping to get myself a copy when the cards are finally in. I see the whole project to be an interesting one since access to books would be much more easier and cheaper. I am only hoping that most of the contemporary books would be available to download.

Finally, the last sentence on the leaflet struck my attention than anything else. It says:


Hmmm! I have less to say about the above statement. See, for over 5 years of my stay at the University of Ghana campus and seeing students pirate and copy all sorts of things for free, I wonder if the books would not be pirated. Let’s wait and see!

10 Responses to Great News For all Booklovers in Ghana!

  1. this is great news. wish this was there when i was doing my master’s. Okay but I would (if God permit) soon start my P.hD, perhaps this year. when I do i would definitely need this.


    • Geosi says:

      It is certainly a great news and I hope it works to the satisfaction of all. Nina seems to raised some important points which I have read your comments there too. From the little I know, I think the project is to benefit all citizens of the country and not only students.


  2. Nina Chachu says:

    This is very interesting, and I, for one, will follow up.


    • Geosi says:

      Have read your related post on your blog and you seem to raise very important points. I believe it is worth it to look into those points you raised.


  3. […] saw Geosireads’ post on the Ghana Library site, which is being promoted at the University […]


  4. Carl Ayitey Ayayee says:

    kudos! I am very happy about this initiative.In fact it”s going to help students easily get access to books that are difficult to come by.


  5. amymckie says:

    What a great program! I hope that books don’t get pirated and the program continues on and works well. I’ll be interested to hear what you think of it when you start using it.


  6. Great Mysteries E Library Over…

    […] ems to raised some important points which I have read your comments there too. F […]…


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